I just cant take the pain anymore guys, my little black heart just bleeds endlesly for a sympathetic love but thou cannot be cured.
Ive just been spending my days listeining to My chemical romance in my room, thinking about life and shit.
fuck dude
Like I grew up in a whore house, my mother was a crack head and my farther was an alchololic. He used to beat me, I cant take the meories anymore.
Newgrounds has given me the chance to expres my deepest emotion threw song, we are all one and I think we need to unite together.
Thankyou for your time, Peace and love to all my adoring fans, I love you
Here a picture of my buetiful grilfriend to show you guys that im not just some emo looser, I have a life and I tap this bitch everyday ALL day.
H x
I found the best home remedy for being depressed is either to drink the pain away, or cut yourself multiple time on either you legs, wrists, knuckles (if you're in real pain), and sometime the bottom of my feet so i'm reminded of the pain during the day.